Hits: 48458


The world of bats is an amazing one.  Small nocturnal or crepuscular fliers they largely go unobserved in temperate regions, although huge colonies may make themselves unwelcomely apparent in more tropical climes.  Even so the diversity of bat is largely overlooked.  More than a fifth of all known species of mammals are bats, over 1200 species around the world with many in need of conservation and protection.  An ancient order there are fossil bats from over 50 million years ago, clearly and recognisably bats, so they have had a very long time to develop their lifestyles and to diversify to occupy all the possible niches for an aerial, nocturnal creature.

These pages will gradually develop to include some of the amazing stories of bats and how they live and how necessary they are to our own convenience, as well as providing a platform for exposing the pages of my early work on bats in the 1970's.